Free sex is a sex acts that the doer didn't have any special relationship or unmarriage. In biology, sex is a process of combining and mixing genetic traits, often resulting in the specialization of organisms into a male or female variety (each known as a sex). Today, the doer of free sex is not only from adult, but it is happening in teenagers too, who are generally aged between 10-19 years. Actually free sex is a western tradition and than influence Indonesian people. In Indonesia, free sex has already spread. Some cases are found in Indonesia. There are so many female teenagers that pregnancy outside of marriage and do an abortion.
Factors that cause deviant behavior can be seen from the internal and external aspects. Ways to minimize free sex among teenagers is based on both these aspects.
The following tips:
1. Teens get busy with positive activities.
Teenagers are busy with positive activities, less likely to think about negative things, including sexual problems.
Examples of positive activities:
- Sports: futsal, basketball, swimming, archery, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, running
- Martial arts: martial arts, karate, taekwondo, kung fu
- Scientific Group of Teenagers
- Journalism: create a newsletter, bulletin board
- Religious activities for teens: study, learn to read the Holy Quran
- Student Organization
- Business: food, watches, cell phone pulses, bags
- Participated in various competitions: Olympic field of study, story telling, calligraphy, caricatures, computers, reading poetry, singing songs, sports, quizzes, speeches
- Scout
- Red Cross Youth or Red Crescent Youth
2. Sprinkle with adolescent spiritual values of faith.
Faith will be a guard for the behavior of adolescents. Profound faith will develop a sense of shame to the contrary. Although no one is lelihat, they believe that God saw their deeds. There is no somewhere else escape the supervision of God.
3. Provide an understanding of the negative impact of free sex.
Knowledge about the negative impact of free sex will prevent teenagers to do so.
Some of the negative impact of free sex is:
- Perpetrators of sex will get a negative stamp of the society, as people who are not immoral
- Self and family will get embarrassed
- For young women who do, there is likely to be pregnant, which makes them ashamed if known by the community
4. Control the mass media that they witnessed.
Remind teenagers to stay away from the mass media featuring pornography. Watching a scene will stimulate sexual desire porn teen, who fear it would encourage them to do free sex.
Media who need to look out for is the internet. Through the Internet, teens can easily access a variety of impressions pornography. Pornography sites on the Internet to reach 492 million.
Various parties have sought the protection against porn sites, but of course it was not enough. While most porn sites are blocked, yet still a lot. Therefore, control activities become very important.
5. Note the friends they hang out.
Remind adolescents to choose friends who bring benefits to them, not their friends who will plunge into the valley of the disaster. Encourage your teen to choose friends who enjoy doing a variety of positive activities.
Quran verses about free sex:
1. Surah An-Nur, Verse 2
The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah , if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment.
2. Surah An-Nur, Verse 3
The fornicator does not marry except a [female] fornicator or polytheist, and none marries her except a fornicator or a polytheist, and that has been made unlawful to the believers.
So, for all of you guys. Please, don't do this act. Because, beside that it is forbidden in our religion, it's also have many bad effect.
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